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TOEFL Guide 


Overview of the exam


A test of 120 points divided into four sections:


  1. Reading 

  2. Listening 

  3. Speaking 

  4. Writing 

The test can be on paper or computer. It is given in the same sequence above, with a 10 minute break between the 2nd and 3rd section.  The first two sections test your reading and listening skills, which are basically the skills that determine your comprehension of the language. The last two sections test  your communication skills. Students usually find it easier to improve in the last two sections than the first two, since communication skills improve as you use them more. Moreover, when they correct the writing section, the exam correctors do not focus on your grammar and spelling as much as they focus on how you develop your ideas and claims.


 It is also important to know that practicing solving strategies and techniques is could increase your chances of obtaining a high score on TOEFL.  To register for the TOEFL and to check your profile and scores, log into your account  here.


Tips to improve your practicing and                                                                                                                                                            performance on each section of the test:




You should  know what types of readings are given in the test, and the types of questions asked. You can obtain this information from the practice textbooks/exams. Take the time to practice as much as you can. Usually improving on this section is slower than all of the other 3, and you might notice that from your different attempts. However, if you want to take your reading score to a higher level you will need to do more serious practice. Use your free time to read scientific articles, papers, newsletters and so on. There are great applications that you can download on your iPhone/iPod to use time wisely in the bus or anywhere. 


Some applications that are highly recommended :

Ibt Prep App 

Through this application you will practice more vocabulary that you are probably going to see in the readings given in the test.


Science Mobile App 

Also try to read as many articles as you can on “Science Magazine” app.




The best way to practice this is from the CDs that come with the textbooks. Practice that multiple times and as many sections as you can. Make sure you take succinct notes while listening that will help you while answering the questions. Test yourself and then see what type of questions that you mostly get wrong, and work on that. Also take time to read the description of this section’s question on the textbook.




Timing is all you need to practice! Don’t worry about your accent, just be confident! Also the perfect way to practice managing time is from CDs that come with the textbooks. Please take time to read the description of this section’s questions and prompts from the textbook.




This section is very easy! The prompts are nothing compared to the SAT prompts, so just take time to get familiar with the prompts from the textbooks and practice. Also practice timing, because you are restricted to a certain amount of time. The key of getting a good score in this section is trying to exceed the minimum limit of words needed.



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